Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Easy Aromatherapy Recipes

The chill of winter is upon us! I've been hearing a lot of coughing and sniffling lately and I'm thinking, this should be holiday season, not flu and cold season.

So here are some of my favorite aromatherapy recipes to ward off those annoying start-of-winter sore throats and colds.

Add a drop of peppermint oil and a drop of eucalyptus oil to your tissue or handkerchief. Sniff it frequently. You can substitute a drop of lemon in place of either oil.

Diffuse these oils in your bedroom or some part of your home where you spend time, like the living room or rec room. These oils kill airborne germs as well as the annoying little viruses that cause colds. If you don't have a diffuser, put some drops of the oils on a dish on your night table so you can inhale them while sleeping. Or saturate a paper towel with them and attach it to your night table or bedpost. Be creative. These oils will do a good job of keeping the cold bugs at bay!

More on colds, coughs etc. to come soon! But if you can't wait ;-) visit my website:

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Don't forget to share your own special essential oil recipes with us.


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